Here’s what’s happening over the next couple of weeks. We hope you’re able to come along!

Can you make it?

Monday 11th April, 10:30am
Immanuel Baptist Church (PO5 1PS)

Sign up here.

Activity morning for toddlers and primary school age children, parents and carers. There’ll be things to make, challenges to complete and the chance to hear how only Jesus makes us friends with God.

Jason Marriner - A life transformed

Thursday 14th April, 7.30-9.30pm
Deep Blue, at the end of South Parade Pier

Sign up here.

Come along and hear the story of how a life of crime and destruction was dramatically changed for good. Hear, too, how our lives can be transformed.

We will share a meal together (£8), hear from Jay and then have cake to finish the evening.

In case you missed it…

Are you 100% sure you want to be an agnostic?

Big Questions:
Are you 100% sure you want to be an agnostic?

Tuesday 5th April, 8-9pm

An hour with Dr Andrew Sach.

Available on YouTube.

Big Questions:
In a world full of longing, is satisfaction possible?

Thursday 7th April, 8-9pm

An hour with Tom Heasman.

Watch live on YouTube