Walking with each other

For many, during the lockdowns of 2020, going for a walk has become a significant thing. Despite restrictions in several areas of life, there remains freedom to walk outside. Alone or with someone else.  The pleasure of walking has perhaps never been so appreciated. It’s been a busy year for step-counters. 

The benefits of walking are many. It’s good for our physical health, for mental well-being, for the environment. But can walking have a spiritual benefit too? 

There’s lots of walking in the Bible. In Genesis 3 we’re told that God walked in the garden of Eden. In the big act of rescue in the Old Testament - the children of Israel walk to freedom through the Red Sea. The risen Lord Jesus walked with two companions on the road to Emmaus – “explaining all scripture” as he did so.  

Walking is also frequently used as picture for closeness of relationship. Psalm 1 opens with the promise that “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked…” In Psalm 23, David is able to declare that “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…”  We’re influenced, for better or worse, by those we ‘walk with’ in life. We can, likewise, impact those we walk alongside. 

So who could you walk with? Might you be able to walk and grow in relationship with others? Men, are there other men you could walk with and encourage? Ladies, are there other ladies you could help as you walk with them? 

Talking can somehow seem less intense when walking at the same time. It therefore offers an opportunity to talk beyond the superficial. Perhaps you could discuss some questions like the ones below as you walk with other believers:

How did you become a Christian? What was your first experience of church? Who has been a big influence on you as a Christian? Which fruit of the Spirit would you love to see growing in your life right now? 

So why not getting your walking shoes on this week. Maybe some would appreciate you walking alongside them.     


Feeling busy


News overload